Our Clients
About - About

Work Effects partners with innovative clients; those that believe trust can help their organization succeed. We often establish a relationship that begins with an assessment, but doesn't just end there. If a client wants to change something within their organization, we become their strategic partner.

From the experience of more than twenty years providing our unique services, we've worked with clients of all sizes and industries. They may be a financial service organization, a manufacturer or a non-profit, but all have one thing in common; they recognize that trust must be part of everything that they do.

citgroup logoFacing turmoil and high turnover in the financial services industry, this leading banking institution wanted to identify and nuture their top leadership across the globe. Working with some of the bank's major divisions in Private Banking, Global Markets, and Global Banking, Work Effects has provided 360s, multi-level leadership programs to develop middle to top management.

Lockheed Martin LogoFaced with the retirement of more than 75% of their workforce in the succeeding decade, they were also faced with new hires turning over at an alarming rate. Work Effects collaborated with them to create the Diversity Marturity ModelTM that increased scores in organizational climate and culture by 67% and customer experience management by an impressive 133%. Read more…

Kane County logoWith pending budget issues at both the county and state level, a mandated 25% reduction in funding and a growing H1N1 public health situation in the county, this leading health organization implemented the Work Effects Revolution 360TM and Trust & CapacityTM initiatives to surpass all constituency expectations and in a 2010 study, ranked 11th out of 101 Illinois counties in health outcomes. Read more…

These are only a small portion of the many clients we work with, but each one would tell you that partnering with Work Effects has been an illuminating and results-producing experience, contributing to their organization's bottom line.

For more examples of how Work Effects assists its clients, please visit our Knowledge Center.

Contact Work Effects at 612-333-4272 or info@work-effects.com for more information.

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Featured Tool

Trust & Capacity Model

Trust is the basis of the four building blocks of a successful organization. Without it, the organization will fail. With it, success is measured exponentially. Getting to the root causes of workforce issues is a key to organizational competence regardless of industry. Knowing this, Work Effects has created the Trust & CapacityTM model with trust as the core driver to engagement, workforce capacity and stakeholder success.

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